Star Wars is in Fantasy but Lord of the Rings is in Action and Adventure? That’s not a criticism of this visualization, which is interesting, but of the underlying data.
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According to OOP on Reddit,they used IMDb's dataset
Yeah seemed weird to me as well, but the database is limited to three genres and it groups them as Action,Adventure,Drama
this is all done programmatically, so I can't do much about it.
i just went to the page. it has 4 genres, the last being fantasy. they may have choosen to exclude the fourth genre for the chart.
Lord of the rings is adventure and action but not fantasy and star wars is fantasy but not sci-fi/action?
Also, OP is apparently a reddit repost bot so we won't be getting answers.
And here I rode on the "Fuckspez" freedom lander just to have reddit karma removed follow like rats and bed bugs.
How is romance so high? It is a genre where 99% of movie is a pile of stereotypes put together by an amazon warehouse robot.
I am calling for mislabelling. Many dramas are probably also labeled as "romance" because main characters are a couple in some kind of relationship
Edit. Reading better the graph this is for sure the case. What movie illiterate labeled forrest gump as romance?
Probably the same one that labels Romeo and Juliet a romance instead of a tragedy.
Please consider using John Truby's book ( or even the cover of it ) "The Anatomy of Genres" for identifying the 14 Genres of story.
Myth, Epic, Western, etc...
"adventure" isn't a genre: it occurs in multiple genres, serving as the canvas on-which the genre's points are written...
That book, btw, is an awesome bunch of psychology.
Some minor errors, like mis-defining comedy...
( proper definition of humour: "improbable violation of expectation", or a strange-loop form ) be made of a "drop", a debasing, or put-down, or reduction of somebody...? Maybe in the US, but it isn't the true fundamental root of humour.
sooo much gold in that book, though: definitely worth investing in.
( for anybody wanting the core competencies in writing, I'd say that both John Truby's books, and Shaun Coyne's "The Story Grid" are books that are required, and they are the top/core competencies. Coyne recommends McKee, as well. )
As a horror fan, I was certain horror would have the lowest ranking. Lo and behold....
I consider an IMDb rating of anything above five to be a good score for a horror movie, they skew so low.
Return of the King on here twice with different data?
How is 9.00>9.00? Both are supposed to be the high points for Adventure and Action
This is not a standard box plot given you can clearly see many data points below what should be the min line in pretty much every category
How is spider man considered a cartoon and not action/adventure? I realize it's animated, but it's not exactly for little kids. Making it a cartoon puts it into the same category as paw patrol.
Movies can be in multiple categories in this data. That is why Return of the King is the top of 2 different categories.
Spiderverse could be in action or adventure and not show up due to not being the highest rated movie.
It's considered an animation, which should not be considered the same as paw patrol.