Not to be dramatic but I hope Blinky drove off a cliff and exploded
Weird Wheels
Welcome to Weird Wheels, the home of the weird, wacky and the wondrously stupid awful ideas the automotive industry has thought up.
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Nope, it's still around today with a new coat of paint
Blinky is like:
You can store your seized coke in my nose!
Classic ATAAE material
I'm gonna assume it's 'awful taste and awful execution'. This is nightmare fuel that not even a Cars straight-to-DVD rip-off could top.
Awful taste and awful execution
I would be less likely to commit a crime if I thought this abomination would turn up, so maybe it's working?
I saw Blinky once on display at the CN Tower. It spoke and it spouted pre recorded messages about safety, it's eyes looked around and... obviously... blinked. Kids loved it. Adults looked horrified.