still learning lemmy - didn't realize it was a picture at a time so here's the tadpole evidence
Nature and Gardening
All things green, outdoors, and nature-y. Whether it's animals in their natural habitat, hiking trails and mountains, or planting a little garden for yourself (and everything in between), you can talk about it here.
See also our Environment community, which is focused on weather, climate, climate change, and stuff like that.
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This community's icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
That's exciting! I wish I had the space to do something similar. Hope we can get some progress pics on those tadpoles!
I once bought a metal wash tub, put it on my porch, added sand, rocks, plants, fish and water... and called it a pond. It is pretty easy to do.
Anything that will hold water for a couple weeks will have tadpoles in it pretty quick.
Will it be difficult to upkeep the pond? Or do you think it will be pretty self-sustaining?
We'll have to see - since we're not trying to make it like 'perfect' (i.e. we're going for the nature pond thing) I think it won't be too bad. We took a bucket of water from a local pond to jump-start things and so we've got a few (native thankfully) snails eating algae, a ton of boatmen, etc. so there's a mini-ecosystem starting. Hopefully it will not require too much in the way of upkeep, but if it does at least it's small...
That's so cool! Good luck on your pond, hopefully it "grows" really well
Great idea adding the pond water! Sounds like a really fun project.
Are those reeds for dragonflies?