Whoa and it's on playstore already huh, cool!
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Well, it's on the Play Store to allow for pre-registration. It's not available to download yet. But, if you do pre-register it'll download as soon as the app is made available.
Yeah i saw that, but it's still kinda cool
Never tried this app for reddit but I'm having fun exploring all the new Lemmy apps. Definitely going to give this a try once it is available!
Sync and Boost were far and away the best 2 Android apps for me.
Do we have any source why dev changed his mind?
He never said anything to my knowledge, the apollo dev said he discontinued it.
Hope Boost dev makes his app open source
What did he change his mind on?
No idea. He didn't say much at all up until very recently, when he made a post confirming that Boost for Reddit was shutting down.
As far as I knew, he had given the impression he wasn't interested in migrating his app to Lemmy, but apparently that's not the case!
well thats good. I used Boost for years and was really sad that it was shutting down.
I've used Boost for reddit, and I'm on KBin, but it looks like between this and most of the other apps focusing on Lemmy, I might just switch over.
It's worth mentioning that the Lemmy focus among app developers is probably temporary. Since it's only brand new software, kbin currently has no API active at all. Lemmy has been around for longer and has an established API. It's not anything personal against kbin.
Yeah, I never took it as preferential treatment or anything. Part of it is just that I used Boost for Reddit, so a part of me wants thinks it would be cool to continue to support them. I'll probably just stick here though. I'm sure eventually someone will make an app.
I'm sure most Lemmy apps will add Kbin support down the line, too. The lead developer for Sync for Lemmy already said he's looking into it, I believe. At the moment, Kbin doesn't have an API though, so it's less straightforward to approach I guess.
For an app designed for Kbin first and Lemmy second, Artemis is under way and you can follow it here: https://kbin.social/m/ArtemisApp
Screenshots look so good!
Honestly I was so excited about this that I registered without even looking at the screenshots, hahah. Haven't been active on Reddit in a few weeks now and those just made me weirdly nostalgic <3 So pumped!!
It really feels like the beginning of something new. Brand new communities, tons of people, great looking apps...it's just a nice change from the doomscrolling of the last few weeks on Reddit :)
I'm so excited I just ordered an iPhone!