For me on iOS it saved the password under not Main Community
Home of the instance.
Figured this out. On desktop when you hover over "Forgot Password" it says "You must enter an e-mail address to reset your password".
When you enter a valid email address the "Forgot Password" link enables and works. 👍
Bump! (I'm playing with different Lemmy apps and can't remember my password...)
My work around is this: Password manager. This may not be what you had in mind but it’s saved my butt time after time. PM save lives…and accounts.
Yeah, I have a PM but it didn't seem to work for whatever reason with the sign up on Lemmy.
That’s fair. I only bring it up because it took me far too long to realize that PM were a thing. Hope you find an answer.
Figured it out! You have to use your email address, not your username.
Good shit, glad you found a way to make it work!