I do absolutely nothing with mine other than wash/condition/comb.
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I do what feels right which usually consists of the least amount of work that also doesn't make me itchy. So I generally just don't shave at all until it gets too long then I scrape it all off and start again. I shave about once every couple weeks. Because I'm lazy and work from home and it doesn't matter what my beard looks like.
Don't try to do too much, too soon. Grow a full beard, or as close as you can get, and see what you've got to work with. Then you can decide to trim or sculpt it into some fancy shape if you want.
Learn how to keep your neckline trim and then take it from there.
Buy quality trimmers first. Then, hypoallergenic conditioning cream/salve for after washing it. Once you've got a routine down, try watching different vids on shaping/trimming, but a healthy beard comes first. Nothing handsome is gonna come from going in blind, so learn to take proper care of it first. 🤙🏼
I thoroughly appreciate your passion for beardcare! If I ever find myself with the capacity to grow one someday you bet your ass I'll condition it accordingly lol
Generally speaking, ya just gotta stick around long enough. Keep it up! You're doing great so far! 🤘🏼
great question - I let it grow, and at some point I have to cut either beard or hair to not like like a homeless person. To decide I see how much money I left this month and if i'm low I cut the beard.
If I've pulled half of it due to stress, I'll shave it off.
I just do a moustache as my beard doesn’t grow very thick.