Whether protection was used during sexual activity. Optional field, null if unknown. Allowed values: Protection.
Whut. How would it even be possible to obtain this information...?
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Whether protection was used during sexual activity. Optional field, null if unknown. Allowed values: Protection.
Whut. How would it even be possible to obtain this information...?
I mean, if it’s anything like apple’s health app I’m guessing from user input itself.
That makes sense.
Yo, what the fuck?
It's a fucking health data API, what do you expect it to do?
iOS devices can also track this.
Uh I can't find a way to manually input this value into Google Fit, is it auto detecting this shit?
And can they tell when you're riding solo?
Other apps can use the Fit API within android to report this. I believe that's the most common use case.
Maybe sex toys with Bluetooth connectivity can use a companion app and report it back to your Fit dashboard.