Now show me solar and wind spills. /s
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The situation here is so horrible I get buried under sunlight avalanches on a weekly basis. Sometimes at night, even, during summer time. As for windspills, well, I live in coastal Norway; it rains horizontally.
I blame hydroelectric and wind power for this weather pollution. Or maybe I have the cause and effect reversed, idk.
They're actually included in this map, displayed in sky blue.
I can't speak for all of the lines I see, but the string of leaks across upper Minnesota and the one along the East coast both seem to be in approximate locations of pipelines. In true Minnesotan fashion, I'll call that pattern "interesting"
Well yea the shit is privatized garbage. Every pipeline and refinery and storage place is owned by assholes instead of the government for some reason.
Assholes that buy their way out of responsibility with your tax subsidies.
Arizona be like, fossil fuels? Never touched the stuff.
Wife went down to Galveston Tx. with some friends a week ago. They couldn't go into the ocean due to high petroleum levels.