Before 1990?… fuck you.. I have kids born before 1990… elder my ass … I probably understand crypto better than you do…
I’m not bitter. Not at all.
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
Before 1990?… fuck you.. I have kids born before 1990… elder my ass … I probably understand crypto better than you do…
I’m not bitter. Not at all.
I understand that crypto is a scam that will rob millions of people of money they desperately need.
But what you said there is literally the end of my understanding of what crypto is. It has something to do with computers solving math problems, and somehow that’s worth money.
the problem with crypto is that when you try to explain it, it sounds so stupid that someone else thinks you have to be explaining it wrong
but if you want explanation, this one is fine and this
When I think of crypto I think of that bloke grubbing through landfill for a lost hard drive. I think of Sam Bankman Fried. I think of Trump's meme coin. Yes, I'm sure someone must be explaining it wrong to this old lady.
You know what a normal database is.
The Blockchain is a distributed database instead of a centralized one where normally people can verify that each other part of the database is correct.
Generally anything a distributed database can do, a centralized database in good hands can do better. Except for crimes. It's more difficult to get away with crimes when they can be shut down in one place.
Also it's harder to undo Blockchain/crypto stuff. They sell this as a benefit while the primary use is scams and rug pulls.
"The government can't get your money back." Yeah, gonna be hard to get back thr money you were scammed out of with a court order, isn't it.
They also try to sell it as anonymous, but it's very much not. Everything is on the record, so if they link you to an address (and they generally can), they can see every transaction you've ever made. There used to be services to obfuscate this, but the government has well and truly broken through those. They can find you of they want to.
Crypto is a an MLM for guys. You can make money, if you're lucky enough to be the scammer and not the scammee.
It's a speculative asset that fluctuates based on the whims of billionaire hedge funds and early crypto investors. There is zero value in owning it unless you got in early enough. And even then it's a situation of the last man holding the bag. Someone will end up losing their asses.
See, this guy gets it
SMH. Dear boy. We elders were taking it to the streets in the 60’s and 70’s—in huge numbers. We organized without social media, were willing to face danger and arrest, and got shit done. We were using DOS before you were probably even born (do you know what that is?). While many of us are, in fact, fading, there are legions of us with knowledge and experience you will never understand until YOU are an elder.
I feel like its an advantage to know the analog way to do things in addition to the current norms. For example, navigating by paper map and direction of the sun, like some kind of land pirate.
Crypto is an EMP away from being worthless
I'm against crypto but this logic seems same as money is one fire away from being worthless.
Which is true. We just give worth to things to make it easy for transactions.
FUCK YOU! I understand crypto and STILL have a VHS tape I never returned. pfft. arrogant youth. now where do i push to send this to reddit?
Listen here you little shit: you think you’re superior because you rebranded Ponzi schemes with AI merde?
I was born in 1983 and I’m old enough to remember having only 5 tv channels, vcr’s, and you couldn’t get on the internet if your mom was in the phone.
As an elder millennial, I respect gen z and alpha for coping with modern society. It may just be a fond remembrance, but things seemed much simpler then. Creative jobs weren't threatened by AI, the tech didn't exist for corporations to spy on people, the US.. well let's not get into that.
I at least got to experience a decent time in history and built up enough context where I understand what is going on in the world today. That of course leads to irreconcilable sadness with where things are going, but at least I got to experience a wild culture shift.
It’s not that brain-melting. Taken one day at a time, the shift was very gradual.
I may be older but I know how to take a selfie without my phone in it.
Cryptocurrency or cryptography?
The former you don’t really need to understand fully to use, but the latter is vital and indeed brain-melting.
OK, this one kind of hurt a bit. I can't be the only one with a functioning VCR in the room with them right now...
It hasn't been that hard in my experience. Ignore shifts in the social landscape until the yung'ins reach a consensus about it, and always remember that time just before the dotcom crash when a company got venture funding to deliver tuna subs by mail.
Who do you think built Crypto? The millennials were the ones building everything in the last 10-20 years. Be sorry for the boomers. They built the infrastructure we stand on but tech has completely changed since they left the workforce.
And at least when the chase check glitch fad went around we recognized it immediately as a felony. Gen Z jumped right on that grenade.
And Gen X continues to disappear between the cracks. If it weren’t for movies made about us by Baby Boomers, nobody would even know we were here.
I thought about including Gen X but decided I wanted to continue the tradition. :)-
Y'all don't understand. We had to learn you don't have to rewind DVDs before returning them. It was stressful.
Yeah, let’s see you write a new autoexec.bat file with whatever text editor came on a DOS3.2 floppy that’s infected the the Stoned virus after you stupidly deleted autoexec.bat from your 386 by going to the library and checking out some books.