Godzilla Minus One! I can't believe how good it was. Just... Wow.
Movie Suggestions
In the mood for a particular movie? Saw something interesting and want more? Have a favourite movie you want to recommend? Make those Movie Suggestions.
one of my favorite movies is creator (1985)
a few big names, great actors. peter otoole, mariel hemingway.. david ogden stiers. anyway its about an old tenured college professor (and his new assistant) secretly attempting to clone his dead wife. its sounds like scifi, but its not. its about lost love and acceptance. quite a few hilarious bits
my fav quote from the movie;
"one of these days, boris, we are going to look into our microscopes and find ourselves staring into gods eyes and the first one who blinks is going to lose their testicles"
The Spider-Verse series of movies (two so far, a third coming out… sometime) are worth a watch. They do some really innovative things with their animation style, and have a solid story arc. The first one, in particular, has this great scene just before the final battle where the story beats start to pay off and the hero comes into his own, oh man, chef’s kiss. (The “What’s Up, Danger?” scene for anyone who’s seen the film.) Unironically one of my favorite movies. Then, the various art styles in the second movie, in particular the introduction, wow.
Thank you! omg it was so good.
i absolutely love how Penny is friends with the spider
second most standout thing to me: I approve of that teacher's choice of assignment to give him after the clever 0% scene. Good teacher.