Probably because they are going to be the topic of discussion. In a “how are we gonna handle this” scenario
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Until actual functioning safeguards are put in place, there's no reason to assume the US will stop being vulnerable to bad actors like the GOP abusing their power.
Yeah, kinda a "time for foundations level constitutional upgrade" situation. Happens to nearly all countries at some point and frankly certain frequency. Constitutional rules aren't fit for purpose anymore due to times and circumstances having changed massively and it leads to dysfunctions and problems.
After all the current one is realistically the nations 2nd constitution, so why not move to a 3rd one. First lasted couple decades, second couple centuries. That is a good run, but there is nothing that exceptional about country deciding "Problems and casting faults noticed. its time for rewrite, convene the constitutional conference and let's get to work".
Can we adopt the system we helped the Germans create post ww2? We helped them come up with some really great safeguards against fascism
What system do you mean?
There are 50 USA states and 27 EU members
Give every EU member excluding Denmark and Cyprus 2 USA states
Yeah you usually only invite allies to that sort of thing.
Croatia and Montenegro also did not receive invitations to the meeting.
This is the actually more surprising news coming out of this article
They know what they did
Was Canada invited our have they cut their losses there too