Seedlings need less watering and more humidity, try to make a humidity dome, or cover with a ziplock. If you can dem lights, try like 20%. There are a few apps that will use your front camera to read the ppfd of your light intensity.
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Also. Apologies. Forgot to include humidity in my description. Currently sits between 60-70% in the tent.
You should probably still have a dome over seedlings
This is new info to me. Can I ask why? My understanding is the dome was only for humidity levels.
Yes that's true, however the humidity in your tent is spread throughout. As to where if you have a humidity dome, the humidity is closer to the plant and your seedling will soak up some of that moisture through its leaves. Giving little sips of water. During the seedling stage your roots need a lot of oxygen, so if you're overwatering you can easily drown your roots, thus seedlings issues.
Yeah this is what I think the issue is too, overwatering is keeping oxygen from getting to the roots and preventing nutrient uptake, hence the white/yellow leaves at the bottom of the plant
The apps on phone is news to me. Thank you!! I’ll give that a shot!
If you are on Android photone is a good app for ppfd. Look up the range you should be in for the different stages during life cycle :)
Thanks. Found something similar on iOS. Wish I was on android, but iOS just does a better job of hearing aid integration. :(
iOS should be just as good of an app if not better! 😀
Here are my sprouts. You can see how the humidity accumulates inside the dome. And my watering I use a chef's bottle with pH water and water in a circle around the seedling. As the seedlings stretch out, water in a circle the same diameter of the spread of your leafs. Watering around the sprouts further away makes the roots stretch out and seek out the water in your soil.
My first guess would be overwatering. What size light are you using and how far away is it?
Sorry for very long link. But here is light. I currently have it about two feet away at about half strength.
And thank you for help!!