I feel the need to link to the original video here. No, I don't mean the video titled, "HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA," that everyone's seen. This is the original video. It looks like it has more views now, but I remember when it was sitting around 1 million views, and the ripped upload everyone knows had around 200 million. The video that got popular even cut out the intro skit, which is one of the funniest parts of the original. But hey, that's just kinda how YouTube worked back then. Glad to see SlackCircus getting a little more recognition for creating this masterpiece in their comments section.
this post was submitted on 10 Feb 2025
94 points (95.2% liked)
YouTube Classics
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founded 2 weeks ago
I hate you, I have had this song stuck in my head since I saw this post yesterday
I had been living in Blissful unawareness for years and you have reopened this hell
~~I'm just kidding it's a great song but man does it get stuck in your head~~
Definite top 10 classic for me.
Just keep it inside.... Learn how to hide... Your feelings
Fifteen years later and I still want that cake...