(damn it i messed up again)
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(damn it i messed up again)
(damn it i messed up)
I hope mp4 files like this work the way I hope they do, and that this loops properly
The video does work, but it does not loop.
Unfortunately, if you want to keep the original filetype, you'll have to host it somewhere off of Lemmy. Lemmy does this weird thing where it automatically reformats your uploads to webp or webm (which is weird considering how Marxist those guys are that they go with the bullshit ass Google option instead of something like JPEG-XL, but that's beside the point). If you want to keep the integrity of the original file format, you must host on a different site and hotlink it here.
That's a link to your video, notice the filetype has been changed from mp4 to webm?
An mp4 should work the way you planned, but it would have to be hotlinked instead of directly uploaded to Lemmy. Further, while it will show up and work on the desktop, it may or may not work on various Lemmy apps, depending on what they've chosen to support.
Loops just fine for me on voyager :3c
Loops fine on Connect.
~oki~ ~fine~
Solidarity :3 deployed!