because they still refuse to use linux
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I wouldn't mind having a decent ARM laptop with good Linux support. Almost all Linux software has ARM versions available and I certainly won't be gaming on a low power laptop.
You can track linux development for them here: Some is bootable, but none of them is in a perfect state.
IMO as things stand now, Linux on ARM laptops aren't really viable as a daily driver.
Arch Linux got a bunch of money and support from Valve recently (rumoured to be for support of their upcoming standalone VR headset) so that Arch devs can streamline their builds and support more platforms. We can expect things to change considerably in the coming months with regards to Linux on ARM.
I am really sceptical about this.
Doesn't every ARM laptop need its own "spin" of an OS because ARM laptops don't support UEFI, ACPI and similar technologies? From my understanding, the driver situation is catastrophically bad with ARM laptops (even with x86, the Linux driver situation has room to improve).
And you have to deal with Qualcomm; a company with a relatively bad reputation for medium-long term firmware support (if it's provided at all).
I want it just for the battery life. If it's usable for basic stuff and the battery lasts ages I'll be happy.