6:45am: 8-year-old's alarm goes off.
6:50am: Me: "Turn your alarm off! Time to get up!"
7:00am: Me: Turns his light on. "Seriously, get up!"
Zombie 8-year-old: Gets out of bed and closes door.
7:05am: Teacher sends text: "No school today. Plumbing problems."
Me: Opens 8-year-old's door to see he's back in bed, still not in uniform, about to go back to sleep. "School's closed. The plumbing needs to be fixed."
8-year-old: Instantly jumps out of bed and turns on the TV.
7:25am: 8-year-old has already been in my room three time to tell me things I don't need to hear. Meanwhile, my meds won't kick in for 30 more minutes, so it's a struggle not to sound disinterested.