heh...guess you don't have a standing desk like me? guess you don't have superior posture? i'm basically exercising. i don't even have to eat healthy or go on walks outside anymore.
(i have a standing desk btw)
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heh...guess you don't have a standing desk like me? guess you don't have superior posture? i'm basically exercising. i don't even have to eat healthy or go on walks outside anymore.
(i have a standing desk btw)
I see you and raise you a shitting desk. I just take laxatives all day and I'm skinny as a rail!
i use unarch desk
You’re still a fuck tho 😤
A standing fuck
I'd love to have a standing desk, but it'd have to be one that can switch between standing and sitting. If I put a treadmill underneath, I could pace and watch YouTube at the same time!
Most of the electric ones do that. I just got an IKEA MITTZON, it's a bit pricey but I actually do use it!
you can find decent motorized ones shipped (at least in the usa) on amazon for less than and around 100 dollars, I have a flexispot one because it was on sale and it’s fairly stable (it still very much shaky shaky if you shaky it), but i wouldn’t be loyal to them. it cost like $110
Have you ever considered a traditional Slavic crouching desk?
No. My back hurts. I have to recline like this or it'll get worse.
I don’t know what else we could expect from a SpaceNoodle.
Nothing to do with being a noodle, they've just gone soft. Dude got drowned in responsibility and couldn't handle the heat.
Tf when I'm actually a shrimp
Can't even shit in peace anymore... What has the world come to
How dare you.
no, i don't wanna get out of bed