Can’t argue with facts 🤷♀️
For owls that are superb.
US Wild Animal Rescue Database: Animal Help Now
International Wildlife Rescues:
Australia Rescue Help: WIRES
Germany-Austria-Switzerland-Italy Wild Bird Rescue:
If you find an injured owl:
Note your exact location so the owl can be released back where it came from. Contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitation specialist to get correct advice and immediate assistance.
Minimize stress for the owl. If you can catch it, toss a towel or sweater over it and get it in a cardboard box or pet carrier. It should have room to be comfortable but not so much it can panic and injure itself. If you can’t catch it, keep people and animals away until help can come.
Do not give food or water! If you feed them the wrong thing or give them water improperly, you can accidentally kill them. It can also cause problems if they require anesthesia once help arrives, complicating procedures and costing valuable time.
If it is a baby owl, and it looks safe and uninjured, leave it be. Time on the ground is part of their growing up. They can fly to some extent and climb trees. If animals or people are nearby, put it up on a branch so it’s safe. If it’s injured, follow the above advice.
For more detailed help, see the OwlPages Rescue page.
One person has so far. Maybe their finger slipped trying to upvote. 😉
We have democracy and sharing. What more can we do?
Very true. We can't be all things to all people, but I think we're one of the most chill and pleasant places in the whole Fediverse!
Between the owls and you guys being some of the best people, I know I look forward to it every day!
"ON" The sign is upside down.
It is right side up to the owl's perspective, so it has positioned itself properly!
This picture is just great!
I liked it because it's a tiny Boreal Owl and not something big and imposing. It is cute but so serious at once.
It looks furious and ready to drink our blood.
The Owl Nos.
Nos all, sís all .
I hope that’s a real sign somewhere.
I wasn't sure at first, but with who photographed and posted it, I trust it to be real.
I'm sure there's another sign under it we don't see.
The original caption of the post was basically are you tired of Boreal. owl pictures yet, since so many people are traveling to photograph them during their migration.
Part of their celebrating is for you too. You're here almost every day as well livening the place up!
Obviously not!
This has blown up many times bigger than expected! I'm glad everyone does enjoy this group so much!
What's the context of the sign? Is it a Photoshop?
I tried looking again and there's nothing else shared from this scene.
I do not believe it to be faked. The photographer runs Minnesota Owl Tours, so people pay him to get shots like this themselves.
Also if you zoom in, the paint cracks line up through the "NO" so that is also consistent. I've never seen him share any shopped images before either.