Even when diagnosed with medicine, I sometimes struggle to remember to eat it.
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37 actually
I'm 30..and even medicated it's hell
Imagine going untreated even a decade after that
34! I was hoping one day I'd figure out what to do in life and through that knowledge everything would just click into place and things would feel good and right and worth doing. Turns out the answer to life's great mystery is amphetamine.
But damn does pharmaceutical smack make life worth living or what. If only I hadn't spent nearly 30 years digging myself into a hole before I started it.
I've just accepted that that's never going to be something I can do and that existence is pointless and miserable and I'm not capable of doing anything more than killing time till I die
been cleaning that basement tomorrow for 4 years now.
even started it twice.
Sometimes I have bursts of this in the middle of the night.
30 seems like only yesterday
As someone who finally got diagnosed at nearly 30, this hurts. Fuck, I've wasted so much of my life.
35 and still have these walls between me and the simplest tasks. No idea if it's ADHD, but somehow I manage to get through.
I was 30 fucking 25 years ago.