concerts, raves with mixed age/subcultural audience be like that.
haha I bumped into you, oh into you too haha touchy touchy...
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concerts, raves with mixed age/subcultural audience be like that.
haha I bumped into you, oh into you too haha touchy touchy...
bumping into people is just part of being on a dance floor. people getting touchy though isn't okay
True. They use the bumping and sometimes also their tipsyness as some sort of implicit excuse though. People should tip shoulders when they actually have something to say or do or they really can't get through.
the good 'ol shoulder tap or very light open handed tap on the upper back with a "ope lemme slip on past ya" while shimmying through usually works
or people you've never seen in your life... gah i hate it -_-
I hate when people touch me unannounced. Especially my mom. Not anything against her, but her hard are so cold and dry that it feels horrible.