My SurfaceBook 2 runs Beat Saber well using Quest 2 and Steam Link. It has a GTX 1060, if that helps. Huge grain of salt because I have not tried it since switching to Linux.
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The official Steam Link app doesn't work with Linux as the streaming source right now. So you need to use something like ALVR, which I was told is quite hit and miss.
Damn, that's unfortunate. Is that even the case with the Vive or other headsets?
No, Vive and Index work ok on Linux, but they are not mobile like the OP asked for since they require base stations.
I have my index working on fedora with minimal issues but vrwebhelper causes massive lag, crashes and once turned off I have jitter every time I turn my head. It is close but no cookie.
If you get a Quest 3, it should play those kinds of games stand alone, no problem. No gaming laptop required. If it is going to be a more graphically intense game, or the games are only on Steam or whatever (so needs Steam Link), you are going to need a gaming laptop with a discrete GPU (released from the last 3-4 years). To do the wireless link, you'll need a wifi6 capable access point/router, and wifi6 capable chipset in the laptop, or a dongle, or a gigabit ethernet cable from the laptop directly plugged in into the access pointer/router.
I want to play Beat Saber with mod and I prefer to use a computer for this.
VR is pain enough as is; adding a Laptop with weird GPU setups into the mix is going to be even more pain.
Oh, this is the Linux gaming community. Multiply the pain by 10.
Currently there is no such thing unless you count the Quest3 which is very badly supported under Linux.
I like the quest 3. Quest 2 is fine as well