Is this.... Is this a post from vegan's being all like "omg we be discriminated against, look we are the same" when literally all the others are actually very marginalized very threatend groups? I'm trans and this meme is the same kinda feels of PETA saying there like trans people on how horrible it is, and getting hunted down. When in fact my whole life I have never seen any vegan get denied basic services to the extent of any marginalized people In my decades of living. It's always them wanting to take over Marginalized communities and make it all about them (in my experiences I have had)
Yes there are religions that have vegan type restrictions, there are trans people who are vegans. That's all ok.
It just doesn't feel equitable to me trying to place something someone chooses to do by extreme marginalized communities that are often hunted down (in some places literally hunted down)
As always it's ok to be vegan, or vegetarian. And I get the reason for it. But doing this kinda thing just makes me feel like how PETA is and try to redirect all the attention to them.