Fell asleep immediately after posting this apparently.
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No, lol had to do Housework
Do you prefer short or long socks?
I'm not wearing sock rn but when I need to I wear medium crew diabetic socks. They are comfortable. I don't like long socks nor the ankle socks.
Have you communicated this to a medical doctor?
I mean I am not officially diagnosed with insomnia since the fact isn't that I can't sleep it is just that I don't want to. I spent most of the night learning Python from ChatGPT. Seems to be the thing it can do, at least teach the basics of python without mistakes.
Let me guess... someone stole your sweetroll...?
Lol, had to look that up.
How long have you been awake in hours
From December 31st 11 am in the morning to now, still .
How do you feel? Are you going crazy already?
Yes for real. No I am not going crazy because I pull all nighters all the time and only sleep the next night.
What styling of undergarments do you tend to prefer?
The non existent ones. Currently in bed with the wife.