Been there with Yanukovych. Hopefully Georgian people can rally together and stand for what they actually want.
World News Non-US
A community to post global news minus the US internal. This is to make sure countries other than USA can get a platform to tell the world about current events happening in their country.
i hope it's nothing yanukovych; we don't need another conflict that drags us further into ww3 like the pro-eu/pro-nato agitators want them to do.
You're already part of that conflict, like it or not. You can still choose a side, though
Not saying much since I'm an american; so i will always be at least indirectly involved in all of the world's capitalist induce regime changes including all nato & western expansions thanks to american agents fomenting an institutional change to force joining us like they did to ukraine and trying to do georgia.
the american empire has started its decline almost a half century ago and neither country will be served well as our puppet states and future battleground cannon fodder in our inevitable proxy wars against my empires' enemies.