Out of the loop: what are you speaking about ?
Stop Killing Games
[EU] Stop Killing Games:
The grassroots movement to regulate that games be left in a playable state after publisher support ceases.
(41%) Petition
7/7 Countries reached.
Current: 1,468 signatures weekly
Target: 22,692 signatures weekly
Safe Target: 23,038 signatures weekly
(44.81%) of the signatures will be reached at this rate.
183 days / 26 weeks / 6 months left.
Final Day: 31/7/2025.
This is the weekly progress report on the petition asking the European Union to regulate that games be left in a playable state in their final patch including releasing the server binary for multiplayer games. This is spurred on the fact when the servers shut down for the Crew 2014, the players who owned the game were no longer able to play the single player aspect as it required an online connection to do so.
The petition needs 1 million signatures to have the bloc assembly respond:
Thanks for the quick and super clear answer. I did my share. I will see over the weekend to share it to the french community.
Thank you for supporting the petition ❤️
The campaign needs more of a boost in the marathon.
Some people say that petitions "dont work" but then if that was true why would the oponents such as Pirate Software Games feel the need to attack the initiative.
Pirate Software is an egocentrical dick for attacking the petition. He won't do a damn thing but complain about it. "Wake me up when a better petition comes along". Dickhead.