Imagining how or if these will ever come to some of the most chaotic cities, such as Bangkok, Mumbai, heck... anywhere in India, Davao, etc where the rules of traffic are based on who believes in reincarnation the most.
Otoh replacing all those taxi drivers with robots could actually calm the chaos... But put millions of barely-surviving people out of a no-education-needed job.
As long as those conditions are as they are, the labor cost will be FAR too low for this to make sense.
AI is already better than human drivers in China/US. It won't be long before it masters the more challenging environments. I suspect the humans will adapt to its predictability in places with crazier driving.
Nope. Waymo relies on human operators when its vehicles can't deal with a situation.
Whose driving is fed into the training data which then eliminates the need for future interventions in similar scenarios. That's the thing with gans, they just get better assuming you vet the data.
This is great news. REMEMBER. AI isn't bad. Ownership of AI by oligarchs is.
Fight for seizing the means of production (AI). Please do not fight the means of production.
We are heading for a permanent state of future shock.