Isn't corn smut usually uploaded to CornHub?
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Well that was fuckin disappointing.....
That was not a search I ever expected to make... Just wow
Well that was disappointing fucking.....
I made blue corn tamales with it. Pretty tasty.
When I could get it regularly I used to make a Mexican pizza with it that always went over well.
Mix of wheat flour and Masa fermented with sourdough starter. Huitlacoche mixed with crema as the sauce. Mix of cheeses, panela, cotija, etc. Then fresh chillies and chorizo on top.
That sounds delicious! Love the idea of a huitlacoche sauce.
wow TIL you can eat smut
I swear there was an ancient funny blog that introduced me to huitlacoche in the early 00's. I finally tried it a few years back (in Mexico) and it's pretty good!
I thought the blog was Steve Don't Eat It! but I've only found those archived posts and no corn smut. Maybe it was an old Cracked or Something Awful listicle?
I've had it in a quesadilla. Tasted like white button mushrooms to me. It was OK. Maybe it was over powered by the other flavors.
Maybe it varies. The stuff I have had, including growing my own, was quite strong and reminiscent of truffles.