And that's in a state that elected this asshole as their governor.
As the old saying goes, a broken clock is right twice a day.
The Lemmy place to discuss the news and experiences of transgender people.
Keep discussions civil.
Arguments against transgender rights will be removed.
No bigotry is allowed - including transphobia, homophobia, speciesism, racism, sexism, classism, ableism, castism, or xenophobia.
And that's in a state that elected this asshole as their governor.
As the old saying goes, a broken clock is right twice a day.
That state made it illegal to be non-binary. They have so much time on their hands that they legislated gender into only male or female, but still haven't been able to decide how to allow people access to public lands if private land surrounds it.
but still haven't been able to decide how to allow people access to public lands if private land surrounds it
Well of course not; that would require them to actually do their jobs.