02 DEC 3310
Confirmation that the final Thargoid Titan, Cocijo, is headed for the Sol system has sparked mass panic among inhabitants.
Evacuation efforts in Sol began as a precaution on November 28th, when Titan Cocijo first moved towards the core systems. Once it became clear that Cocijo was on a direct course for Sol, these efforts were swiftly accelerated.
Defence Secretary Conn Montgomery provided the following update to the Federal Times:
“Rescue Ship Cornwallis is acting as our delivery point for most refugees who do not have access to spacecraft. We’re shuttling civilians from Earth to ports within Sol for transport by Federal military craft and freelance pilots. Other rescue megaships are scheduled for arrival in the next few days to systems close to Sol, which will increase our capacity to process refugees and deliver them to temporary holdings in neighbouring systems.”
“We ask for the people of Sol to pack lightly, move to your nearest designated evacuation centre and follow all instructions from Federal authorities. This is an extremely complicated operation, with over 22 billion people in the system that need to be kept safe. The Federation is doing everything it can to prepare for Titan Cocijo’s arrival.”
News of Cocijo’s approach has triggered significant alarm across Earth, Mars and major ports. Riots have occurred at evacuation centres as people clamour to be transported out of the system. There have been two separate attempts to storm a secure medical facility on Mars where citizens rescued from Thargoid abductions are housed, with gathered crowds blaming the abductees for ‘summoning’ Cocijo to Sol. To date, there is no evidence to support such claims.
ICE-cast analysts have also noted an increase in online hostility towards Seo Jin-ae, the Aegis special advisor who recently declared her unique link to the Thargoid hive mind was ‘exploited’ for information. Some prominent political ICE-casters have blamed her for providing the Thargoids with the location of humanity’s original home world, Earth.
Galnet News Digest
Two days to save SOL or 🙂↔️.