Will Mexico pay for this wire?
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The article says Texas paid for it. Reading is fundamental.
I don't read or care for entertainment sites.
Foxnews.com is nothing like Fox News on cable. In the same vein, cnn.com is nothing like CNN on cable.
The .com version of both is far more sane, far less partisan. But both are partisan! In other words, the TV version of both is for easily influenced idiots.
But you already knew this, right? You've compared coverage of events over the years on all 4 platforms? No, you didn't. You thought you'd throw a quicky "burn" in there, feel good about it.
Hahahahaha neither the fuck did you. You think you did but you just consumed the content. If you did I demand the research now and it better be fuckin cited properly. 4 years of it.
I have few issues with immigration, but I have some. In any case, I find no issue with Texas defending their border against a sovereign nation.
Can anyone argue why Texas should not razor wire their border?