Man when I worked at this supermarket that treated us like shit I was high af stealing anything that wasn’t nailed down
Get high and post cool shit.
A place to post weed related memes, music, etc. Keep it chill.
Buzzkills and lemmitors fuck directly off, thanks.
Check out these other weed focused places on Lemmy:
There is a weedtime SimpleX chat group:
Is this the part where you casually drop that your job was to nail everything down?
Yeah I was sub contracting through united floor nailing so basically a free pass to steal
Currently on step 3
Hahaha I was literally just debating this exact thing and then I saw this post. Guess my decision is made!
Lol hell yeah, sending good vibes
I think this incapsulates why many people think people who smoke weed are dumb af.
Reading the comments doesnt help much.
Can you step outside yourselves long enough to see how sad celebrating this comes off?
I don't think anyone who smokes weed gives a fuck what those people think anyway.
They hate you because you're telling the truth. Coming from a heavy stoner.
Okay, ill bite. What about this strikes you as dumb? How does this "come off " to you?
You really have to ask huh? That's honestly disappointing, I feel anyone raised decently should not have to ask that question.
So, you failed to answer either question, which is somewhat impressive. So allow me to enlighten you. There are two possible issues here, both of which are caused by you being a little bitch. You seem to dislike others automomy, and wish to enforce your view of "whats right"
Basically, youre a right winger who doesnt understand consent.
The second is that you seem to think we "owe" something to.... anyone? The only one i owe anything to is myself. The corporations don't care about my interests, why would I bend the knee and make their interests my own?
And we know how it goes with you right wingers, every accusation is a confession. So you were really raised so poorly that you failed to consider any of this before posting your comment? Or maybe, considering you wasted your entire response in failing to post even a single useful word, you werent even raised to properly read/write? Alas, given your circumstances I can understand(but not agree with) your really fucking dumb takes.
Oh wow. Are you okay?
Is the corporation in the room with you right now?
If you're calling in to get high you might have an addiction.
No, no. I called in sick and then I got high. Not called in sick so that i could get high. Big difference.
I'm smoking weed about it.