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"Hey, Baron Corbin......Forget AEW whom may actually sign you. Forget TNA which probably actually need you. Forget New Japan, which would actually improve you. Instead.....come over to NWA, and Fox News. I'm totally doing ok in life!"
I still have no idea how EC3 is doing so bad in life that he caps out at NWA. But with Tyrus it makes sense.
CYN. Entirely CYN.
Once he got to TNA with his run as whatshertits's nephew after his OG nxt/ovw stuff he had a good thing going, multiple time champ, etc. WWE brings him in, nonsensically keeps the same gimmick (even tho its based around the boss of 'the other show' but hey its an established gimmick at least), and proceeds to do just about sweet fuck all with him until releasing him during covid 2y later.
Then Control Your Fucking Narrative happened along with everything else..idk if the other available options just weren't interested at the time or weren't willing to pay his booking fee or what but the second he grabbed the entirety of pro wrestlings castoffs and made his own Temu promotion, started using nazi dogwhistles and then lies about doing so, etc etc.
Most sane promoters realized "oh maybe we can get a big muscle guy who isn't batshit fucking stupid to work for us".
And then there's Billy Corgan still being a rat in a cage.
Tyrus isn't good enough to mid card an indie show at a run down casino.
I'd be sad to find out Corbin is on Tyrus' level.
gotta have more money to bring in has-beens like cena, punk, the rock, and goldberg!
I will absolutely lose my shit if/when Nixon turns up in North for a few shows.
i wanted her in aew the last time but id love if she turned up at maple leaf! the sad thing is she just recovered from being sick and was ready to go. triple h just hates womens wrestling.
triple h just hates womens wrestling.
That, and she's never been the same since her injuries. She can still go but she's lost a step imo.
Excuse me, he can't hate women's wrestling, his wife invented it after all. /s
Wouldn't blame ya!
She's one of those 'what if' stories which just kinda sucks. Between the numerous knee/leg injuries (before and during WWE) and WWE never knowing where/when to slot her in I'm surprised she was kept around as long as she has been. She'll do good on the indies or where ever she ends up.
Well..didn't expect to wake up to releases but shit.
I hate that Nixon Newell's/Tegan Nox's entire WWE career is basically defined by terribly timed injuries.
In my heart of hearts, I'd love to see her come to AEW and eventually dethrone Mercedes or Athena, but AEW has plenty of women that are worthy of that when they're ready.
My heart breaks for Indi. It was all downhill after she had to give up the NXT Championship. I hope she lands softly somewhere else
Best of luck to Baron and Tegan as well. I really started enjoying Corbin after his run with Breakker. I never saw Tegan before everything happened to her, so I don't really have much opinion. She didn't wrestle very much since I've been watching
Corbin I think will be the best off out of the three, he could be slid into the midcard of pretty much any company, main event of some indies. Lots of people begging for a NJPW run as a bullet club member too lol.
Bullet Club sounds perfect! Where do I sign the petition?
I loved Corbin, going back to his long stringy hair lone wolf stuff, I think he was horrifically underused though and when he started getting traction as a Bum they immediately killed it, so I hope he goes to TNA and can have an upper card run, Corbin-Hendry 2025, let's make it happen. I just wonder what name he'll come up with now he can't be Corbin.
The rest, I'm sad to say I'm not surprised about, WWE never seemed to have anything for Hartwell after she left NXT, she like many others was just never given that chance. Tegan, I can kind of see releasing, every time she gets healthy here comes another injury, not her fault but for the money I'd might reconsider using her on contract rather than per match.