Every major English city has this sort of self-aggrandisement. Except Birmingham, because they've got more important things to do. Like drugs!
No foul language - i.e. French ๐คฎ
Obviously satire, dozy wankers
Liverpool is in a different league - this is Scouse, Not English taken to the next level (with a dash of Cosmic Scouser). I reckon I could send this out to my mates on WhatsApp and get a couple of unironic "is right!" replies. And more "fuck's sake" ones.
"I'm not an Englishman" by Mason Owens.
You could also try "Murdaside" by Mazza L20 (the Bootle postcode) which goes in hard on the Scouse vs Liverpudlian beef.
You could probably set the poem "Scouse not English" to music.
So England is a sea of dreams, where Liverpool is where there are no dreams. Makes sense.
New York is not part of America? The fuck?
Technically it is not. The city of New York encompasses 3 Islands (Including Long Island, the largest island in America) and only a small peninsula that is actually on the Mainland proper. The result is that about 90% of New York City is not on the American mainland/continent.
More than 16% of America is not part of the contiguous land mass. It doesn't make it any less part of america.
Itโs only America if itโs from the โAmericaโ region of the subcontinent, otherwise itโs just sparkling south Canada
We can burn a second capital Canada, just sayin
That don't make sense bobby
Amateurs! Belfast! A bit mad, granted, but craic nontheless.
Worse than cockneys.
did they mean "scousing kindness"?
Kind of presumptious that the Welsh, Irish and Scottish would want them tbh
Calm down, lad.
Fucking hell, I'm surprised this OP hasn't suffocated yet with how hard they're sucking off Liverpool. It's a nice city, but mate's making it sound like some kind of utopia.