OK, what's this about?
One sentence in... and I'm out. And Jesus Christ, this fucknut is using "Tyler Durden" as a byline?!
A place to discuss pro-conservative stuff
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OK, what's this about?
One sentence in... and I'm out. And Jesus Christ, this fucknut is using "Tyler Durden" as a byline?!
Zero hedge is complete and total shit.
I will admit crediting a story to Tyler Durden is odd to say the least and a bit off-putting. That aside, this is a story about various watch robberies committed in LA and NYC, some committed by recently arrived migrants, and suggesting that rich people are starting to feel unsafe and as a result becoming anti-migrant.
Anyone wearing a million dollar watch is a fucking cunt.
Sooo concerned about crime! Then they nominate a convicted felon and rapist. It's ironic and pathetic at the same time
Don't wear your investment on your sleeve
So we're back to the women shouldn't wear revealing clothing argument.
Cool, fuck your stupid watch.
My DNS blocker blocked this so I’m guessing it hit the propaganda filter. 😂