I'm a software engineer working remotely, and this has been my final blocker with moving to Wayland. Most team chat and collaboration apps finally support full screen sharing on Wayland, but the existing implementation is buggy and unreliable.
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Had to do a demo the other day and looked like a fool because I couldn't screen share on Wayland
Wayland might be the future, it still seems to have a lot of work necessary to completely replace X11. Screen capture sure doesn't have a good UX with like 3 popups to confirm that I want to share something.
Yes it does
XDG portals
Does anyone know of this gets us closer to having a working software KVM solution with Wayland?
I've tried Synergy, Input Leap, and Waynergy, but nothing seems to work, unfortunately.
No way, so the x11 Wayland bridge shit is no longer necessary?
The standard way is to use XDG portals
Woo and it only took 15 years!
Does this fix discord?