Laughs in firefox
Pulse of Truth
Cyber Security news and links to cyber security stories that could make you go hmmm. The content is exactly as it is consumed through RSS feeds and wont be edited (except for the occasional encoding errors).
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I'm sorry baby. Chrome was young and pretty and I didn't know better!
She wasn't even that pretty now that we look back.
Firefox + Chrome Mask + Unlock, never going back. Only extra work I do is report some sites, though apple business manager still tweaks out without chrome mask on.
It's an unfortunate situation. The tightening of restrictions around direct access to the URLs a page is accessing definitely improves security (think about how many random malware add-ons tech illiterate people install), but also makes filter lists much more difficult to implement.
Ublock Origin Lite is fully V3 compliant. They work around the issue by having a "basic" filter mode that hands off their list to the browser and trusts Chrome itself to do the filtering, rather than the add-on. You can also give it full permissions on a site by site basis, which will then work almost exactly like Ublock Origin.
Sadly the element blocker is one piece that was stripped away due to the limitations of the new V3 requirements