I used to use longform.org and then eventually r/longform, so a spot like this is much appreciated. I'll definitely be posting here as I find new things, it's one of my favorite hobbies and one of the few really good parts of the internet
Excellent Reads
Are you tired of clickbait and the current state of journalism? This community is meant to remind you that excellent journalism still happens. While not sticking to a specific topic, the focus will be on high-quality articles and discussion around their topics.
Politics is allowed, but should not be the main focus of the community.
Submissions should be articles of medium length or longer. As in, it should take you 5 minutes or more to read it. Article series’ would also qualify.
Please either submit an archive link, or include it in your summary.
- Common Sense. Civility, etc.
- Server rules.
My feelings exactly. I know you can go out and search, but there is something thrilling about suddenly being presented with a slice of life that you never thought about or even knew existed before. Thanks for the support!
No worries, thanks for going ahead and making it!