Since it's an enchantment creature maybe it just isn't a creature until the last counter comes off?
So a 1GG enchantment with the etb, that becomes a creature in 4 turns.
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Since it's an enchantment creature maybe it just isn't a creature until the last counter comes off?
So a 1GG enchantment with the etb, that becomes a creature in 4 turns.
That makes a lot of sense and is now what I'm hoping it is. Sort of the reverse of the Glimmers which is pretty great flavor
Maybe it's like suspend, but there's a different trigger for removing counters. LTB triggers, maybe?
The conservative guess is it ETBs on cast and then after the “suspend” ends. The pushed guess is it enters every time a time counter is removed.
A guess I saw on Twitter is that it ETBs tapped with stun counters. Would make the ETB effect more relevant. 1GG for 1 land + a future big creature seems to be right on curve. Also makes it more interactive both from a removal perspective and for blink/power matters/etc shenanigans