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No one is disputing Trump said "very fine people on both sides", which is what your link confirms. The false narrative was that he was talking about neo-Nazis and white supremacists which he doesn't mention at all. Your clip doesn't prove Trump was talking about neo-Nazis and white supremacists, unless you can show that everyone who was there protesting the removal was a neo-Nazis or white supremacists.
Lmfaoooo the gymnastics
They were there, he referred to people there as very fine people and did not specify of the people there the nazis weren't very fine people
Get the absolute flippin heck out of here with your insane mental olympic level gymnastics
I'm glad to see you're afraid to debate me.
They were there, he referred to people there as very fine people
Were there other people there besides white supremists and meo-nazis opposing the tear down of the statue?
Yes of course there were. There were also white supremacist and neo-nazi sympathizers.
So some of the people there protesting the teardown were fine people?
No. No reasonable person would define "very fine people" as those who venerate someone who fought a war for the purpose of maintaining the institution of slavery.
I have not heard any argument that convinces me that such statues and monuments ought to be kept.
I'm not debating whether taking down the statue was right or not. My point of contention is that when Trump said very fine people there is no indication he was calling nazis and white supremists very fine people.
Yeah I understand the argument here: Somehow, mixed in among those white supremacists and nazis were some very fine people who just happened to find common cause with racists and fascists, but remained morally and ethically seperate from the groups they were marching together in the streets with. I find this assertion unconvincing.
Is your argument that having any view similar to a white supremists or Nazi that makes you a white supremists or Nazi?
No, I don't make that claim because it is too general. It seems like a setup for a reductio ad adsurdum argument that I don't feel like I want to cooperate with.
I'm saying that if one finds themself marching in the same protest in the same street on the same side as david duke the notorious klansman, then one is not in my opinion a "very fine person".
Guilty by association is a common logical fallacy, it doesn't matter how you try to narrow down.
We are not talking about association, we are talking about participation. There is a big difference.
Anyway go ahead and explain to me how there were some perfectly normal non-racist people there protesting the removal of a pro-slavery war monument, and that's who Donald "immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country" Trump was talking about.
We are not talking about association, we are talking about participation. There is a big difference.
The majority of protesters on both sides remained peaceful, the presence of white supremists in a protest doesn't change the act of a peaceful protests.
Anyway go ahead and explain to me how there were some perfectly normal non-racist people there protesting the removal of a pro-slavery war monument
It wasn't a pro slavery monument. Lee's reunification efforts after the war were his major contribution. He convinced other generals and colonels to put down their arms and not engage in guerrilla warfare, Grant agreed not to imprison confederate soldiers based on Lee efforts. I can list more of Lee's reunification efforts if you'd like.
that’s who Donald “immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country” Trump was talking about.
I have no idea what you are talking about, I doubt you do either.
If a nazi is sitting at a table with ten other people. You got a table of 11 nazis
I don't consider everyone that attended BLM protests rioters, do you?
YOU: "Help I'm grasping for straws!"
It looks like your little example blew up in your face.
Snopes’ ruling removes key ammunition from Biden’s arsenal just days before...
Yeah, looks bad for Biden. If he can't bring that up, then what else can he possibly criticize Trump for?
@Bongo_Stryker @OnlyTakesLs Imagine thinking that "key ammunition" is synonymous with "sole ammunition" lolllll