Android Memes
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I want my blob faces back. Especially blob kiss with heart.
What if I told you, you can?
It's called emoji kitchen on Gboard/on Google search as well.
Oh that face. It reminds me of meeting my wife and I became attached to the emoji.
Yeah she used it on me too
Well you can use it now by combining ✨ with any other emoji you want.
Could you link / screenshot which Emoji Kitchen you have? 😭 There are so many and the few I've tried are missing the blobs
Oh interesting, it's not an app/keyboard, but just a Google widget. Thanks!!
Oh it's in Gboard as well!
~~Oh what the heck, I'm going to have to figure that out hahaha~~
Figured it out! Setting in Gboard under "Emojis, stickers and gifs" called "Emoji Stickers" Suggest stickers when typing emojis... That needs to be on
I thought I posted instructions here on how to do it. Idk what happened to them
No worries, got there in the end! Now I can spam my SO with turtle stickers
Anyhoo, expect moar Help Turtles ;)
Neuro Sama has become a turtle
Tbf this is what neuro would look like as a turtle.
I don't understand what's going on here, but that is a cute turtle jpg.
Have a snurtle
Vedal my king
I feel happy yet also ashamed for understanding that reference.
vedal is baaack
Android 7.1 and 11 have slight differences