Final CVM Algorithm Code in a JavaScript “oneliner”
You can use this JS function by providing any text string as input, and it will simulate the described algorithm, returning the final set of unique words. This is as condensed as it can get, but if you can condese it more , please do post and Ill update it! If you are interested in seeing how this ‘oneliner’ started, before it was condensed, I have included the long form version of this same code at the bottom of the article.
const cvmAlgorithm = t => { const f = n => !(Math.random() * (1 << n) | 0); const w = t.match(/\b\w+\b/g) || []; let r = 1, u = new Set(); for (let i of => x.toLowerCase())) u.size < 100 ? u.add(i) : f(r) && u.delete(i), u.size >= 100 && r++, u.size > 50 && (u = new Set([...u].filter(() => f(r)))); return [...u]; };
// Example usage:
const text = "To be, or not to be, that is the question...";
const finalWords = cvmAlgorithm(text);
console.log(finalWords); // [ 'to', 'be', 'or', 'not', 'that', 'is', 'the', 'question' ]