"Werewolfery" is a crime? ๐
Creepy Wikipedia
A fediverse community for curating Wikipedia articles that are oddly fascinating, eerily unsettling, or make you shiver with fear and disgust
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Is there something you'd like to confess
The 5th amendment protects me from self-incrimination. ๐ค
Are you great at basketball?
I think I saw that guy drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's
Who is a good wolfy boi?? Whos a gooboi?!?
(Werewolves can't help to not self-incriminate)
They are called furries.
And yes, probably.
But they keep the whole IT infrastructure on the planet running smoothly so I'm glad we have them.
Also, are we not gonna mention the absolute dump truck of an ass that executioner is packing?
"Bring me the extra thicc executioner at once! And tell him to brig his red-hot poker."
Wait, he got a belt and a succubus??
Oh Im so calling my representative over this.
Damn, that's a good one.