We got a Shahid Khan spotting.
Also got a Buck's ripped pants.
I'm excited for where this goes, but not big on an on screen authority figure.
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We got a Shahid Khan spotting.
Also got a Buck's ripped pants.
I'm excited for where this goes, but not big on an on screen authority figure.
The Elite has spent so long imitating the nWo, this had to happen sooner or later.
The NFL wrote an article about it lmao
TK needs to show up to the draft in a wheelchair or some shit rofl.
Dammit and I got stuck at work!
Jericho does exactly what a 50 year old man who's desperately trying to stay cool would do
Tony Khan has a big announcement!!!
Four or five of us will be able to hear it!
All of which will be in the ring
Interesting decision to have Ospreay go after the International title, kind of expected Jay to steal it so they could revisit that
I figured it would be Kyle since he's currently beefing with Roddy
π Mina Shirakawa vs Anna Jay
IWC: "Goddamnit send Anna Jay on an excursion to Stardom!"
Bushiroad: "Sumimasen gozaimasu π. There was a translation error. We have sent Stardom on an excursion to Anna Jay."
IWC: "...ya know what, fair."
Jay White, Kyle O'Reilly, Will Ospreay, and Penta all in one ring, sweet Black Phillip
Let's talk about the people pulled into the Jericho vortex that came out worse
I'm not entirely sure I understand the match but Jay White is on my TV so I'm down
Kenny mother fucking choccy milk Omega!!!!!
Kenny "Bi God" Omega!
How much dirt does Don Callis have on promoters to get these matchups for everyone he represents
Mariah not wearing the Toni gear, what does it mean?!?
Statlander breaking out poetry to class up this joint
Mariah should be getting babied by her idol but Deeb ruined it
Deeb is the only acceptable person to interrupt
πππ Sorry if it didn't come across but I Stan for Mariah, no one is acceptable
Not a bad stan choice!
Audio again, when Deeb speaks you better get that shit right
The audio is making this episode a whole lot less fun
ππWouldnt be a Willow moment if Mercedes didn't come out to big league her
She shouldnt be allowed to dress herself.
It's sparkly!
Is the audio kind of bad for anyone else?
Commentary seems okay, but that Thunder Rosa promo was almost impossible to make out what she was saying
I just switched ti the Fite feed and it seems much better
Seems like the commentary is the only audio working as intended. Mostly.
πππ Of course this asshole Jay White would keep the scissor belts
Kommander may have eaten the pin, but he'll always have that bonkers spinning ddt on Ospreay