Aw, big Apollo vibes <3 I like it a lot.
Mlem for Lemmy
Official community for Mlem, a free and open-source iOS Lemmy client.
- Keep it civil.
- This is a forum for discussion about Mlem. We welcome a degree of general chatter, but anything not related to Mlem may be removed at moderator discretion. This is not a forum for iPhone/Android debate. Posts and comments saying nothing but "iOS bad/I use Android" will be removed as off-topic.
- We welcome constructive criticism, but ask that it be both precise and polite.
- When will insert feature here be implemented?
- Check our issue board--if there isn't an issue open for the feature you want, feel free to open an issue or make post! Just remember that devs are people too--we're doing this for free in our spare time, and building a quality app takes a lot of patient work.
- Is Mlem available for Android?
- No. Mlem is written using SwiftUI, which is not currently supported on Android. If such support becomes available, we will look into bringing Mlem to our Android friends.
- How do I join the beta?
- How do I join the dev team?
- Head over to our recruitment channel, or go straight to our GitHub and read to get started.
Now that you say it, you’re right. I loved Apollo and even though it won’t happen, I’d love to see a continuation for Lemmy.
Aww, that is fun 😄
Since we're talking: I enjoy the bugs getting less and less and the functionality getting more and more with every iteration of the app. Keep it up, you're about to get many more users by the end of this month 😆
Edit: Wait, you're not the programmer of the app, I just realized. Nah, anyway. Great app, nice icon :D
I like it better than the ghosted/translucent mouse! Is Mlem going to support multiple app icons for user preference?
Yes, this is planned and it will include icons submitted by the community!
That’s great! I’m sure it’s a lower priority item, but good to know it’s in the roadmap and I’m sure will help with community engagement. Thanks!
It’s a 3D model so I don’t see why not. It’s not at the top of the list but definitely something I’m gonna work on from the art end of things
Great Job!
This is interesting... I can upvote my comments on this instance while logged into a different instance.
This is cute af. I love it
Thank you!
Really nice!!
Really dig it. Well done!
I like it!
That’s a day-night difference!
I really like this!!!
Not bad, but I like the current one a bit more tbh
Very reminiscent of Apollo. I love it!
Great!!! I joined Lemmy 14 hours ago and is really excited to see the new developements!!
Love it!
That is adorable!! I love that!
looks awesome. can’t wait to see it on my homescreen :)
I love it!
This reminds me of Chuck E Cheese
Love the changes, it looks great! Thanks contributing in such a fun way!
I do definitely prefer this to the current logo.
I’m not a big fan of the tongue, I think it will turn the average user off when searching Lemmy or Mlem in the App Store.
I also think that something looks misplaced with the eyes..
it's SO good!!! yes very much like my beloved apollo. so close i keri wanting to swipe right to upvote. great great work!!
Not an ios user myself, but it sure does look awesome (and even better it holds itself with today standards).