Ya know, I do appreciate the actor for being willing to be shot halfway through production for authenticity sake. Not doing so would be kinda like dancing on a dead man's grave for a tiktok video. Good job on the actor for respecting Brandon 👍
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Yeah but doing those kinds of Tiktoks are great business moves. Look at what happened to that Logan Paul kid.
Dudes right they should leave it alone
So the move is Lee's legacy and we should leave it alone, but the sequels and bad television show were alright?
Legacy aside, what's the point?
Isn't it not a good movie, though?
Edit: Misread the comment, Im talking about the original but I think the point stands.
These days its not great but for its time it was, it came out at a time when goth culture was on the rise, the soundtrack slapped and Brandon Lee died making it... it has a gravitas given to it by time and circumstance that no remake could touch.
It would be like remaking The Matrix, with the ubiquity of smartphones, "AI" and internet fridges now... it just couldnt hit the same. The remake might be a good movie, but its just not going to have that something.