Pi can be estimated by dividing the circumference of any circle by its diameter.
There's something about the word "estimated" in here that I find really funny
It's like using c as a "rough approximation" of the speed of light
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Pi can be estimated by dividing the circumference of any circle by its diameter.
There's something about the word "estimated" in here that I find really funny
It's like using c as a "rough approximation" of the speed of light
We know what the exact value of c is because we set it to a specific value and derive the meter from it. We can't do that with pi, so "estimate" it is.
We define Pi as the ratio of a circumference to diameter in the same way
I don't feel like that is the same thing. No one calculates pi by drawing a perfect circle and measuring the ratio. However, I believe we do calculate the meter by measuring the distance light travels in 1/299792458.000 seconds.
Is it a trillion or 6.4 billion digits?
This says 62 trillion in 2021 https://www.livescience.com/record-number-of-pi-digits.html
105 trillion here https://www.storagereview.com/review/breaking-records-storagereviews-105-trillion-digit-pi-calculation
Are there non-base 10 numbering systems in which pi is not infinite or repeats?
Base pi
No integer base
If pi were rational in one integer base, it would be rational in all integer bases, no?
it bothers me that the diagram of the pyramid, claiming to show the height, is not along its height at all
How do we compute pi?