That baby looks surprisingly comfortable hanging around.
Internet as an art
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I won't be moving all of them here but I will keep most of them.
I'd imagine this would be so much fun as a baby.
That is far too little duct tape to hold a squirming 20lb baby to the wall.
You sound like you have experience in this field
I do have a little one and have thought about the logistics at times. I'd never actually do this, but it as definitely entered my mind at times.
He's not squirming, he's smiling!
Babies never stop squirming, whether they're smiling or crying or anything else. The only exceptions are if they are sleeping or sick and neither of those is a guarantee.
It should really be a 5 point duct tape harness.
This feels to me like one of those optical illusions where the "wall" is in reality the floor.
Horrible idea. That'll wreck the paint. Better off with a single hole for a hook
How to make gravity your bitch