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The original was posted on /r/relationships by /u/yahtzee301 on 2024-01-24 08:00:48+00:00.
I (21F) have a close friend (20F) who I feel very comfortable around, and when we're alone, we often have intimate moments, like cuddling and kissing. I don't have romantic feelings for this person, and they've made it clear that they don't have romantic feelings for me. I was thinking about how comfortable and validated this arrangement makes me feel, and I came around to recognizing that I would do the same thing to any friend I've had. I was just wondering if anyone else had experiences with this and could further explain the thought behind it, especially if it's a known phenomenon
TL;DR: I'm not uncomfortable with being physically intimate with a close friend even though there's no romantic feelings, and I wanted to know if that's normal