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The original was posted on /r/sysadmin by /u/deucemcsizzles on 2024-01-20 05:19:16+00:00.
So, I'm not necessarily a sysadmin, but I've been around the block in the IT biz.
I was in a team meeting and we were discussing an ongoing issue with an internally developed application and conflicts it was causing with o365. To keep a long story short, it was brought up maybe doing things the old fashioned way they were done prior to said software being a thing might be a good triage item.
I said in the meeting (roughly) "It sounds to me like there needs to be a clearly defined business continuity plan in the event our department has an issue such as this."
My supervisor said shortly after "What was that word you just used? Business what-y what-y?"
I don't expect management to be on my level technically, but for them to not understand business concepts like that when I'm just a tech guy is disconcerting.
Have you folks had to deal with a supervisor or manager who didn't understand the business end better than you did and how did you compensate/manage up/deal with it?
EDIT: Thanks for the feedback everybody. I may need to give my supe the benefit of the doubt instead of assuming he is an idiot going forward after reading the comments lol. Appreciated nonetheless.