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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/simpl66 on 2024-01-17 20:31:31+00:00.
TLDR: Should I push Seagate to recover my data in order to formally scrub it to eliminate the risk of it being recovered by someone else as it goes to recycling?
I recently purchased a defective external hard drive. It worked long enough for me to upload one batch of data on to it, but when I turned it on a second time, it had stopped working after multiple attempts.
The data on it is not critically sensitive, but I'd still feel weird about it being recovered by someone. I recently contacted Seagate as I have one-year warranty that includes data recovery services. The specialist I spoke with did not want me to push to use the data recovery services coverage.
He assured me that if I returned it to the store that it's sent to a warehouse for recycling.
My question is should I go through the hassle of getting Seagate to recover data in order to formally scrub it or do you think it is safe enough to return as normal?